on lark hill
sometime in late september
the sun is setting
trees petals bushes
beginning to redden
a few stars appearing in the sky
air is damp
lawn is soggy and gently hissing
after a brief shower
and my legs can feel the wet
as it seeps upwards from the grass
I am talking quietly to this girl
when from behind her slender body
a figure arises
as if from a trapdoor
in the floor of the park
I notice that
the figure is carrying a flute
and a notebook
and that it looks
kind of zappaesque
another girl steps out
from behind him
she turns out to be lucy
we get talking
they tell me they have just returned from
a tour of the states
I ask what kind of a tour
“a tour of duty” he replies
“you’re a soldier?” I ask
I am incredulous
“sort of” says lucy
she laughs
“we’re just tourists really..”
and then they explain...
they are travellers
travellers in time
travellers in space
travellers in multiple dimensions
and they are five
a.h., lucy, under-leary, matthews and molloy
back and forth they go
to any destination
and to any period in history
the future included
no chemical assistance required
they are troubadours / trobairitz
soldiers of fortune
psykick explorers
astronauts cosmonauts psychonauts
beatniks refuseniks
spiritualists surrealists
idealists konstruktivists
the five are only making
tiny jumps in time
at the moment
a.h. tells me
backwards or forwards
fifty or sixty years
just enough to measure how their presence
may affect the future
with no apparent ill-effects
on themselves
they have travelled back
to play gigs
with the beatles and the stones
they have turned on with lennon and harrison
and brian jones
or jammed on-stage with hendrix and page
and with can and neu
played on the forever changes sessions
with arthur lee
wigged out with sly stone
and funkadelic
"ah, the things
we have seen.."
whispers a.h.
as I lie down on my back
inbetween the time travellers
the wet grass is soaking through my coat
and I begin to shiver
I’m staring up into the clouds
the satellites and the planets
and the stars and the spiral galaxies
are all passing overhead
“to travel interdimensionally
everything must get big...”
says a.h.
so everything gets big
then everything gets bigger
whilst I’m shrinking
my universe expands in all directions
things begin to slither away from me
I feel myself flattening out against the lawn
I’m sinking deep into the grass
I’m sinking deeper into the warm earth
molecules everywhere
and blackness
and sudden sparks of bright light
the fundamental particles reveal themselves to be strings
and the dimensions hidden inside them begin to uncurl
you cannot imagine
what it’s like
to look out from deep inside a carbon atom
to see the universe from the inside out
”it’s like looking down the wrong end of a telescope”
says lucy
“..I never realised that there is so much space
inside us all
or between us...”
everything has become accessible
I think to myself
now there can be no more secrets...