Sunday, 13 December 2009

Daye 76 / The Six O'Clock Bus

2012's the year baby
but it won't be like the film
which i watched last night
with one of my boys
we sat openmouthed
the cinema walls shook
the seats rattled
a supersize me pepsi
a carton of popcorn
and a bag of mint aero bubbles
on his knee
me yawning and trying not to fall asleep
in the heat of the cinema
as the world began to come apart before our eyes
in vainglorious
with a laugh out loud crap script
fuckoff car chases
and 'yes mister president sir!' salutes
i was a good daddy
i answered all of my son's whipered questions
dad isn't that the guy out of east is east
dad that can't really happen can it
dad what country are they in now
dad is that mt everest
dad what time is it
dad is the film nearly finished
no it won't be like the film
it will be more like
the six o'clock bus
which i read years ago
when i was not well and still seeing
multicoloured butterflies everywhere
yeah the onset will be gradual
and more subtle
and more unreal
and more in the head
the first trump will sound
and people won't even hear it
but nevertheless they'll stop believing
and start believing in something else
tap into the cosmic consciousness
follow a david icke
or a ronald weinland
rev moon
david koresh, deceased
l. ron hubbard, also deceased
matter will evaporate into spirit
spirit will condense into matter
there will be false christs
religious hucksters
there will be false prophets
false profits
the world economy will begin to collapse
and there will be violence on the streets
and anarchy and stupidity and fucking in the streets
and there will be anger everywhere
and there will be cynicism
and there will be bloodshed
and there will be random acts of terrorism
and the weather will go funny
the temperature will go through the roof
rainfall is on the increase
snowstorms blizzards hurricanes floods
forest fires and droughts
conspiracy theories will abound
we've been set up
only the illuminati or the mega rich have any chance of survival
the govt. are hiding something from us
the aliens are coming
they're already here
and there'll be earthquakes
and there will be volcanic activity
and there will be tidal waves
and there will be famines
and we'll all get the heebie jeebies
captain trips
or swine flu
or bird flu
or light flu
or ebola
there'll be epidemics and pandemics
yes there'll be plagues
and there will be praying
and there'll be wars
and there will be warnings of comets
or roving rogue asteroids
or planet x
alien shape-shifters
the invaders
and the earth's poles will shift
like they have done many times before in the distant past
you don't believe it
well why do you think they've found fossilised fishes
at the top of the himalayas
and what do you think is buried beneath all that ice at the south pole
the laws of physics will stop working
one by one the lights will wink out
the earth will cease it's groaning
and will grind slowly
to a

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